Oh shoot. I'm going adult. I'm not a kid again. I've studied a lot. Well, not as much as you did may be. But I think I've studied about life for more than 15years and it's not a short time right? I've listened many words, I've read many books, I've written many alphabets, but I didn't want to stop. I really wanna study more than I've got. I think I'm a stupid person till now. I think what I've learned is nothing. I think what I've listened is just wind. I've to continue living cause I need more knowledge I'm thirsty of knowledge. So, HAMASAH!
Well sorry for nasty paragraph. I'm not well on writing now. I think I shouldn't be a writer later. I think I should be a nice wife and kind housewife and the most important is good mother. Eaa oh shoot I'm going crazy now. In my mind, I'm always thinking about the next day, the next month, or the next age. I dream though I know it never be happen. I'm scared of being abnormal. I'm scared of become crazy about the dream. I always wish it can be happen some day.
I wanna write about my activities now. You know, I joined MPOS or a school organisation. It's not an ekskul, it's higher or the leader. In this organisation I found anything. They become my family. Sometimes, we shared anything or did something together. It's fun and memorable.
I didn't think about the other organisation. Well, I mean the big organisation like MPOS. I remembered, I joined MPOS cause I wanna learn how to be good a part of organisation. I didn't get it in Junior High School. But one day, the senior in last post, tell me about other organisation. I'M GREAT. I was so excited about that. And I really wanted to join it. And now, I'm a part of I'M GREAT5. It's so great organisation. It's all about our earth. How to save our earth from Global warming.
The problem is coming. Sometimes, both of the organisation made a meeting. And I committed of both of them so...I've to come. And the problem is........THE TIME! They picked the same time! Oh I need to pray, hear my heart, and ask some advice for both of them. I still can't get some knowledge about how to manage the 24 hours. I have to come of both of them but I just only have 24 hours. I really wanted to learn how to manage time from the presidents. They can meeting in many places in one day though God gave them 24 hours. The same time as me.
I'm not kid anymore. I've to study about life. How I can manage 24 hours for good activities. How I committed every organisation. But the most important think that I really wanted to share is.......I still wanna join other organisations that contribute of our environment or some kind cause I really wanted to make every day is important day. Every day is not rest day. I wanna make something new for life. I wanna learn more about organisation. I wanna meet other people and learn everything from them. Organisation is my hobby now. I love to do that. I don't want to leave that. I promise I keep committed in every organisation I joined. I wanna make my life unbelievable, unforgettable, full of memory, full of knowledge, and useful for other people.
It's my new life. It's my new step. I'm ready for committed. I'm ready for every consequence. I'm sure I can manage my time. I don't want to stop my step. I still wanna learn for other people. I still wanna be useful person for other people. Organisation is my hobby. It can entertain me from the bored school. I like to meet new people. I like to attend the new environment.
You've to join an organisation and see what you'll get!
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