So, what's going on? Yeah I'd so many stories on my holiday. Nothing special. In this holiday, I just studied chemistry and economics. Well, just read the subjects. But I thought those were not enough for the high school. I need to go course, study hardeer, and read many books. Books about the subject-_-not novels. Well, I'm not good at those subjects so I studied it before.
In this post, I feel so galau. I will meet new friends yeah I can't wait for that, but I remember something. I will leave everything. Everything in my lovely junior high school.
I got many friends there. They are:
-Atika Rahmasari (the most dilligent!)
-Indah Mega Ashari (keep autism!!)
-Ilfa Kurniati (the smartest awawaw!)
-Luthfianty Restiana (my handsome girl!)
-Talitha Tiffany (hi're so pretty)
-Adrian Maulana (galauman!)
-Rizki Noviandi (hey dude!you always hear me!)
-Cut Ayu (the tallest girl!)
-Hanifa Kholda (we're a dreamer girl!)
-Anggita Rihardian (autism,craziest girl i've ever met!)
-Abyan (superduper XL!)
-Andy (manusia sok keren-_-)
-Toni (lo saudara pesek gue ton!)
-Dicky (teroris yg tkt cicak!)
-Haura Hafizhah, Yuni Tri Anti, Aprilia Dyah, Afifah Marwa (gossipinggg mwahaha)
-ALL OF 85#32!!
Yeah I can't forget them! They're memorable for me.
I don't know I can meet friends like them again or no. They are....can't be replace. No one can replace them. No one.
I'm so proud of being a part of 85#32. 85#32 always in my heart. Maybe everything gonna be change but 85#32 is always in my heart!
Dulu gue emang selalu mau sma! Entah karena apa tapi gue merasa ngebet untuk jadi murid sma. Tapi sekarang, setelah gue sadar sama apa yang gue tinggalin, gue jadi pengen balik ketika awal ketemu mereka. Ketika gue mendapat feel kalo gue akan bahagia di 85jhs. Dan faktanya, gue bahagia. 3 tahun yang gaakan pernah gue lupain kawan.
Kawan, kadangkala gue nyesel. Gue nyesel milih sekolah yang jauh dari kalian. Di tempat yang gue gakkenal pula. Di lingkungan yang sangat baru untuk gue. Gue masih gak percaya, kenapa gue milih sekolah ini. Gue gak ngerti alesan awal gue apa. Ide itu cuma muncul dan Allah hanya ngasih pengarahan. Dan gue ikutin semuanya. Yah jadilah gini. Gue pisah dari kalian.
Gue bukannya mau ngehindar dari kalian. Mungkin kalian sangka gue mau ngindarin musuh guelah, bosen sama kalianlah, pengen nyari suasana barulah, atau masalah gue di 85 terlalu banyaklah. Itu sebenernya bukan. Bukan karena itu. Gue gak tau karena apa. Tapi yang jelas Allah ngasih itu ke gue dan gue gak sepatutnya menyesal atau nolak.
Ya gue sadar. Gue gakboleh nyesel. Ini adalah keputusan gue. Meski berat, tapi gue harus nerima. HARUS! Karena Allah udah baik sama gue. Allah udah ngasih gue sekolah ini. Yah just let it flow lah. May God gave me the best school for me.
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