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Showing posts from 2010

Last day in 2010 and I'm fourteen :)

Heyyy this is the last day in 2010!! And I'm fourteen now!! Yeah nothing so special in my birthday. Semalem gue sengaja begadang hehe. Yaaa penantian umur 14 kan lumayaan. Dan dengan setia hadi nemenin gue online wakakak. Tapi sayangnya, dia harus gantian sama kakaknya. Jadilah dia off terus kami melanjutkan texting. Sementara gue tetep online msn,twitter, dan fesbuk~ Terus tiba-tiba si endy nyapa gue dan bilang bakal nemenin. Hoho yasudahlah gue chat ngalor ngidul gaada arah sama dia. Sumpah endy gajelas banget dah ckck. Nah gue nyapa talitha eh ternyata udah offline ckck. Yaudah gue ngebacot twitter terus ngebacot sms hehe. Maafin akuu ;) Dan tanpa terasa!!! 00:00!!! yeayyy!! yang pertama ngucapin adalah IME di twitter ILFA di sms dan ENDY di chat haha. But, ofcourse, HADI yang ngucapin duluan daripada yang lain. WOW THANKS ALOT GUYS!!

Mother's Day

Hey bloggers! So, what day is today? Wednesday. What date is today? 22. Same like other day and date right? But this day is special cause TODAY IS MOTHER'S DAY!!! So, here is my story. Pagi-pagi gue bangun jam setengah 6an. Nyokap udah mau berangkat tuh jam 6. Gue bangun dan langsung inget kalo hari ini adalah hari ibu. Tapi gue sok lupa gitu deh. Sama sekali gue ga bilang "Happy Mother's Day, Mom!" Tapi gue malah ngabur ke toilet terus ke meja makan. Nyokap udah keliatan nunggu gitu, tapi ternyata adek gue bahkan lupa juga. Yaudah deh rencana gue berhasil! Dan akhirnya nyokap berangkat tapi gue dan adek gue tetep nonton tv. Honestly, gue gak punya rencana apa-apa. Gue gak ngucapin karena gengsi wakak. Gapenting abis kan? Tapi kan gue orangnya cuek jadi yaaa termasuk biasa aja. Pagi-pagi gue mau sms hadi eh keinget pulsanya dia abis jadi gak bakal bales. Yaudahlah gue mikir mau ngasih kado apa. Dan tiba-tiba munculah ide. Gagasan gue sampaikan ke adek gue. Dan dia set...

Good Friday :D

Heeeyy bloggers! What's the newest topic? Yeaaah! I'll share about my journey today. Yeaaah!!Today I didn't go to school cause it's holidaay!! But seriously I miss hadi!! Iyeelaah kamis kan dia gamasuk gitu. Nah pagi-pagi gue udah masuk tuh ke dunia maya. Eh pas nyokap berangkat, nyokap minta sim card gue. Yaudah sebelu m gue kasih, gue sms hadi dulu biar ga sms hari ini. So finally, I lost contact with him :( It's really bad! Sekitar jam 8an gue nonton Easy A. Sumpah filmnya seruuuu bangett!! Let's watch it bloggers! So many lesson there! Terus jam 9an gue liat ada ari di chat fb. S uddenly, he said 'hi' to me. Yaudah obrolan berlanjut. Eh katanya dia dkk mau nonton di cim. Daaan hadi ikutt. Well, I really want to miss him but I've course at 3.30 wib. So, before I said yes I still thought. Eh tiba-tiba atika nelfon gue. She invited me to go to cinere. We will have a big project!! Yaudah gue bilang aja gatau. Eh tiba-tiba gue da...

Let's talk about UAS and other

Judul cukup panjang hahaha. Emang ya UAS tuh nyebelin banget. Sebenernya setiap tes pasti nyebelin. Tapi UAS yang menentukan rapot gue. Hidup mati gue tuh di UAS. Cukup lebay emang, tapi jaman sekarang nilai rapot juga menentukan masuk SMA. Karena gue disuruh masuk kelas yang biling jadi ya rapot harus di persiapkan juga. Tapi gue mau nilai UAS bagus eh malah nyante gini. Sebenernya gak nyante juga sih. Gue juga udah ada persiapan kayak banyak baca, latian, dll. Tapi ya kan bosen. Jadi saya merefreshkan diri dengan online. Jadwal rabu sebenernya IPS, kebetulan gue suka itu. Tapi karena setan malas merasuki diri ini, jadi buku sama sekali tak saya sentuh. Saya malah membuka laptop, memencet tombol power lalu menunggu loading, menyambungkan laptop dengan modem, dan terhanyut dalam dunia maya. Sebenernya cukup bosen ngelakuin rutinitas ini. Tapi mau ngelakuin apa lagi? Mau sms hadi eh udah tidur. Mau nulis cerpen lagi suntuk. Mau belajar lagi malezzz. Ngomongin selain exam, apa ya. Ada si...


So guys, I wanna share about friends. Gak tau kenapa gue pengen banget ngeshare tentang ini. Mungkin karena gue lagi butuh temen banget kali ya? Belakangan ini emang gue lagi broken heart. Lagi-lagi masalah cowok. Cupu banget deh gue tiap posting masalah cowok. Tapi ya begitulah. Capricorn emang paling cengen soal cinta dan itu bener banget buat gue. Di sisi lain, gue lagi ngumpulin temen. Buat ngebahagiain hati tentunya. Gak tau kenapa gue ngerasa temen itu selalu ada buat gue. Kalo cinta kan bisa cuma sesaat tuh. Omong omong masalah cinta. Kayaknya bentar lagi ada yang jadian nih. Dan ada yang sakit hati banget. Tentu tau yang sakit hati banget itu siapa. Gue, of course. Gue rada iri sama orang semacam LuthfIlfAtika yang gapernah mikirin cowok. Nyaman kali ya hidup mereka. Bercanda doang. Patah hati bodo amat. Gak kayak gue, setiap suka cowok dipikirinnya lebay banget deh. Jumat kemaren tuh gue patah hati se patah-patahnya. Cowok yang gue suka secara frontal bilang suka siapa. Deep ...

Musikalisasi Puisi

Jadiiii begini ceritanya. Bu kus tercintaaah nyuruh kita buat kelompok 8 orang anggotanya harus cewek cowok gitu kan. Nah tugasnya adalah MUSIKALISASI PUISI. weeew. Ga kebayang sama siapa aja. Nah seperti biasa gue sama luthfilfatika :) nah kita bingung siapa lagi. Akhirnya ilfa teriak "TOTOOO" wkwk kenal aja engga gua. Yaudah akhirnya Toto di rekrut jadi kelompok kita terus dia ngajak Hadi kan tuh. Yoweess mereka berdua deh. Nah abis itu kita ngajak Ershad sama Zaky. Eh taunya si Zaky ditulis kelompok lain. Yasudahlah. Eh untunglah ada Indah minta gabung. SIIIPP (y) JADILAH KELOMPOK AUTI S!!! Karena musikalisasi puisi itu, kita jadi bareng terusss. Nah kita bu at beberapa tokoh hehe. Mari perkenalkan 1. Adrian Maulana sebagai Bapaaak!! Nah ini dia nih gitaris profesional kitaaa. Dia sangat berbakat jadi Pak Ketu karena selalu mar ah marah terus bilang "cepat cepat" atau ga dia bilang "biarin" ckck. Nah ini dia fotonya: gayalu to SOTIL 2. Atika Rahmasari s...


Well guyss I just wanna share about something that really not important. Well, in the first of all, I wanna say sorry because I didn't share my crazy life every week again. You know, I'm a student that have a lot of homework and try out. I'm in 9th grade so I will do Nation test. Well, it's really make me feel crazy! I can't finish my novel, I can't relax, I can't read many comics. YEEEP! JUST A LITTLE HOLIDAY! Why there is homework? Why we have to go to school? AND WHY THERE IS NATION TEST IN LAST GRADE! If I'm a president of Indonesia, I will erase the nation test! I suer! *but no person wanna me to be a president. Yep, and did you know? I posted my blog when I was doing my homework :P . Naughty student ;P But in this grade, I enjoyed everything. I got score 40 for try out in maes but I still laugh. I had bad score (usually) in 9th grade. Just enjoyed your activity guys and you will have a happy ending :) Keep smiliiiingggg :D Hey I've a drawing ho...


So guys, bisa di liat di sebelah kiri ada sebuah gambar. Gambar itu adalah gambar untuk NARNIA 3! Narnia 3 akan di tayangkan di bioskop bulan November (menurut kabar angin). I can't waiiittt!! Gue udah liat trailernya dan jreng jreng jreng KEREN BANGET. Apalagi skandar makin ganteng. Ga sabar banget liat filmnya. Kayaknya sih di Narnia 3 si William Moseley ga main. Well, dia juga makin ganteng yaah sayang banget dong. Si Anna Popplewell juga ga main :( yah sayang banget pemainnya berkurang. Tapi nih ya menurut gue si William sama Anna tuh cocok deh. Pacaran aja deh sana hush hush terus Skandar sama gue deeh *ngarep. Eh si Ben Barners(caspian) malah ikutan lagi di film ini. Terserah deh siapa aja yang main asalkan ada Skandar Keynes gue pasti nonton ini. Gue sama temen-temen udah ada rencana nobar yuhuu~bisa pamer ke temen-temen akting pacar gue kayak apa *dreaming again. Eh si Lucy jadi tambah cantik loh di film ini. Udah dewasa gitu. Jadi takut Skandar suka sama Lucy~.~ Semoga aja...

Skandar Keynes Bio

Well I want to share something that important and that is....................SKANDAR KEYNES BIO!!! Skandar Amin Casper Keynes (born 5 September 1991) is an English actor best known for starring as Edmund Pevensie in the 2005 film adaptation of The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. He will return in the role of Edmund in the film's sequel The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian, which is currently scheduled for release in the summer of 2008. Keynes was born in London to writer Randal Keynes and Zelfa Cecil Hourani and has a sister called Soumaya. Through his father, Keynes is the great-great-great grandson of the famous scientist Charles Darwin. His great grandfather Edgar Douglas Adrian, 1st Baron Adrian won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1932. His maternal grandfather, Cecil Fadlo Hourani, is a famous writer of Lebanese descent, and the brother of Albert Hourani, also a well-known writer and professor. Keynes attended the Anna Scher Theatre...

First holiday

hello guys how are you?nice to share something again :) so this holiday is really bored yep I'm sure. But before holiday it's nice yeah really make me miss school. By the way the first holiday and that day is friday. My besties (*ime-talitha-haura-april-anti) invited me to go to ime's house to had breakfast together. But the sad part was MY MOM DIDN'T ALLOW ME TO GO THERE. The reason is sooooo unimportant. That because my family would go to outside Jakarta lets just say mudik on Sunday so I had to packing. See! The reason wan unimportant right? Well I admit I had to prepare my commodity because I'm very forgetful. Oke karena gue tau kalian gak bisa bahasa inggris (*bahasa inggris gue blepotan) jadi kita pake bahasa sehari-hari aja deh yaitu bahasa tercintaaaaaa BAHASA INDONESIA!! Jadi karena gue ga jadi pergi ke rumah ime bersama kawan kawan tercintaaaa maka gue akhirnya pergi sama atika ke klinik-_- gila aje jauh banget yak dari pesta pesta ke klinik.penyebab gue k...


#Capricorn - #Aries : It is often said that a Capricorn tends to marry up the social or financial ladder. The typical Aries reaction to such an arrangement is rather touchingly sentimental and romantically hopeful. An Aries and Capricorn will tend to marry one another quickly, but the Capricorn will use careful deliberation and reflection. Capricorns are often hurt when Aries people accuse them of being ambitious. An Aries is also ambitious, but extremely open about it. Instead of pessimism, they have periodic binges of downright foolish optimism. An Aries does not respect authority what so ever. Not only is the Capricorn wiser, calmer, more practical, more sensible and exasperatingly always right. #Capricorn - #Taurus : Capricorn sees a mate in Taurus, stability, a common ground to build on. It is all work and no play when their business heads come together and it’s as strong as any relationship can be. A love affair is more of a business partnership than an emotional need or craving ...

Homework homework

So guys, I want to tell you something about my life in 9th grade the first one is TOO MANY HOMEWORK helloooo I've so many activities *busy person* homework like a hell!!! the second one is I want to be a better person than before start from prayer a lot and care with people beside me the third is I won't to think about love again. Without love I can live I can do my activities so why I am thinking about love again? Let my love come to me the forth is too many new person and friends! :) Ilfa and Luthfi. I knew them at this grade and they are kind (:


hello guys long time no see (sudah lama buta) how's my new picture?cool right?that's my lovely bunny skandar keynesss yuhuuuuuuuuu too coollll hihi so this time I just make a loonngg story and that's never end-_- okay so now, I don't want to talk about love because love is nasty (?) okay just in my is sucks(?) but we can't live without love cause love is everything (Y).that's it so byebye

never there

you have to see the lyric and listen the song!!!cool! Cake - Never ThereI need your arms around me, I need to feel your touchI need your understanding, I need your love so muchYou tell me that you love me so, you tell me that you careBut when I need you baby, you’re never thereOn the phone long, long distanceAlways through such strong resistanceFirst you say you’re too busyI wonder if you even miss meNever thereYou’re never thereYou’re never, ever, ever, ever thereA golden bird that flies away, a candle’s fickle flameTo think I held you yesterday, your love was just a gameA golden bird that flies away, a candle’s fickle flameTo think I held you yesterday, your love was just a gameYou tell me that you love me so, you tell me that you careBut when I need you babyTake the time to get to know meIf you want me why can’t you just show meWe’re always on this roller coasterIf you want me why can’t you get closer?Never thereYou’re never thereYou’re never ever ever ever there just read it!

you :)

It’s all about you I knew anything about you I knew your face I knew your style I knew your heart And I knew your girl type I am not the girl that you like I can’t be the girl that you like Although I try hard but it’s so difficult I want to be myself I don’t want to be another style I don’t want copy anyone style I knew you never be mine I knew you just give me a fake dream I knew it will make me hurt But I didn’t know too hard to forget you I didn’t know meet you is a false way I never knew that Sorry, but I can’t stop love you

ramalan tentang saya

Selasa = Mudah terpengaruh, tidak mempunyai pendirian tetap, gampang naik darah, tidak sabaran dan selalu mau menang sendiri. Huruf R : Kamu menghargai pikiran yang baik daripada segi fisik meskipun, ketertarikan fisik tetap penting bagi kamu. Huruf R : Kamu mungkin tidak menunjukan perasaan cinta dengan jujur, namun cinta adalah sesuatu yang penting untuk kamu. golongan darah A : Suka mengalah dan ringan tangan. Sifat Golongan Darah A = Terorganisir, konsisten, jiwa kerja-sama tinggi, tapi selalu cemas Golongan Darah A = mempunyai karakter yang tegas, bisa di andalkan dan dipercaya namun keras kepala. Desember = Ulet, rajin dan dapat berhemat serta pandangannya luas 31 = tidak suka hidup sendiri, bertanggungjawab, suka menghambur-hamburkan uang. Sifat Dasar Capricorn: Pendiam, Rajin dan Ambisius, Materialis, Gengsi Tinggi, Suka Memerintah, Suka memperalat Orang Lain. Cinta Capricorn :Hubungan dengannya memang lagi baik, hanya saja terkadang mulut usi...


Share with me the blankets that your wrapped in Because its cold outside cold outside its cold out side Share with me the secrets that you kept in Because its cold inside cold inside its cold inside And your slowly shaking finger tips Show that your scared like me so Let pretend were alone And I no you may be scared And I no were unprepared But I don't care Tell me tell me What makes you think that you are invincible I can see it in your eyes that your so sure Please don;t tell me that I am the only one that's vulnerable Impossible I was born to tell you I love you Its that a song already I get a B in originality And its true I cant go on without you Your smile makes me see clear If you could only see in the mirror what I see And your slowly shaking finger tips Show that your scared like me so Let pretend were alone And I no you may be scared And I no were unprepared But I don't care Tell me tell me What makes you think that you are invincible I can see it in y...

new addicted

okay guuys i just wanna you to know about my idol again hahah jadii sekarang gue lagi tertarik samaaaaaa LOGAN LERMAN hokhok hahha skandar keynes gatau deh kemana nih fotonya ANJRIT KEREN BANGET GAK SIIH ASTAGA I LOVE YOU DAH HAHAH


GUE LAGI KANGEN MEREKA! TEMEN TEMEN TE 1 YANG GUE CINTAI 1. JACINDA DARLA PUTRI :temen les sampe sekarang kita bersama anaknya pinter parah dan pendiem tapi giliran ngobrol sama gue dia blak blakan cool gue getoooh 2. SATRIO YUDANTO :gilaaaa dari gue masuk ILP RED 2 sampe sekarang gue bareng terus astaga dari kelas 3 SD sampe sekarang. gila berapa tahun sudah gue bosan sekali melihat wajah anda.anaknya ngocol banget tapi sekarang mulai baik deh mungkin ada yang dia suka di kelas kali ya?dia loncat kelas gitu!mantep deh ini temennya IME loooh 3. ANISA AYU SAGITASARI JATMIKO :nih anak satu SD sama gue kita masuk les bareng tapi sempet kepisah kelas dia pinter banget gambar keren banget deh gambarnya T-O-P- B-G-T gaboong deh 4. M. RIFKY RENANDA A.K.A LIKO :gue gak pernah tau asal muasal nama panggilan dia.dulu anaknya baik banget tapi setelah sekelas sama hugo eh jadi ngocol parah tapi sekarang gue sama dia bersahabat sayangnya dia gak lanjut soalnya gak dibolehin nyokapnya yah sabar...